26 Jan 2014

♡ Black hair + stained hands

I've finally dyed my hair black today after my 2nd failed attempt at ombre, read my post on that. I was so over the orange/brassy hair, I just went black. I bought Revlon Colorsilk in Bright Black, they were on sale at Intermart, and they stated "Ammonia free", so I got that one. I woke up pretty late today, noon actually, I washed my makeup brushed which I have not done for TWO weeks, I know it's bad, I was just busy/tired last weekend. Then, did my laundry, ate lunch and did my hair while watching "The exes". I like this series, it's funny.

What happened was that once the 25 minutes of wait was over , I took off the plastic gloves that I got in the box, I found that the solution got through the plastic and stained my hands. This is the first time this ever happens. Ever, even the cheapest brands have okay quality gloves. But my hair is black and does not smell of hair dye which is rare for hair dyes in general, so I'm happy about it. I'm not sure if I like the black on me, I actually don't haha, because I still want that ombre look. 

I hope you all had a great weekend, mine was okay-ish, nothing much happened. I did go shopping yesterday for some fun pink flip flops, cotton pads and nail polish remover, a hair conditioner, and that's it. Ohhh and I saw a beautiful tan blazer at Mango for Rs 2,400 something, I did not get it though because it is so expensive and I don't know how it would fit in my daily wardrobe. It was so beautiful though. I did not thought it was wise to spend that much on a single clothing item - so proud of myself. Anyways, let me show you.

It does not look that bad in picture, but trust me, it's bad. I hope nobody notices that at work.