This is going to another personal post. Sorry to bore you guys out. I can't sleep. I'm typing on my phone right now, I have a peeling mask on and I just did my nails, so I waiting for both to dry. I had a long nap earlier, maybe that's the reason why I'm not sleepy at all. My nails are still so sticky, I've on constance carroll base coat, Bourjois purple glitter nail polish and a Bourjois top coat. I love this combination so much...I've been seeing a lot of thanksgiving videos on youtube, people saying what they are thankful for and they made me think of what I am thankful for. I'm thankful for my relationship with my boyfriend, I think we are definitely in a good place relationship wise, I love that he's not the jealous type which I used to find weird and I hated that because for me, it meant that he did not care. But he does and he does not have to be jealous anyway. When I asked him why he's not jealous when people look at me and stuff, he usually says he is proud that I chose him. So yeah :) oh my face is itchy. That picture is his perfume right now, I really love this scent. I rarely find perfumes I like. It's Versace Homme? I think, I'm not sure. Anyway, Versace do not make a variety of men perfumes, do they? I'm thankful also for having a bf with no wandering eyes and flirting ways. You do not right? Atleast not when we go out:p I love you honey. What else? I'm thankful for my job which in such a small span of time is making me grow and definitely helping me fund my expensive taste. I'm thankful for my family and for some precious happy moments we have at times.
I can't think of anything else, these are the three I'm most thankful for this year. And it is nearly one o'clock. I should stop being on laptop before nighttime and just workout instead. I should have workout tonight but I was stuck on revolveclothing looking at sale items, and busy googleing rayban gradient smoke sunglasses because it is on sale right now. So I did spend some time researching real life pictures of it but found none. I bought it anyway, my brother said it was pretty, so this is going to be his Christmas present. I don't know what to get my boyfriend, I'm so lame, I've no clue about what I could give him. I know what he really wants right now is a flash for his dslr but the one he wants will obviously be super expensive. He said he want one of these lite gadget knife thing and a waterman pen. But I don't find these personal enough. Or simply enough. So I don't know.
By the way, there is 20% extra off discount on asos.com, head there now!!! There's nothing specific I want right now from asos, so I got nothing. Sad I know. I actually want a lot of stuff from there, but since I can't choose, I simply don't buy anything. What I've learned about myself is that if one of the items from my 'saved items' list is low in stock, that instantly prompts me into getting it.
Priority wise, I should get my eyes checked, get new prescription contact lenses, get a pair of coloured ones online or two, get a new deep pore clarisonic brush, get pants and blouses for work, and get a watch. My wants are the watch, the rebecca minkoff bag, a pair of real pearl studs earrings, a fire opal ring...I should really sleep now. Good night beautiful people.